Well, it's been a bit since I last posted so I thought I should catch up. Lots has been happening lately including Halloween, Kurtis's Birthday, CRC 150th, family get-together. I guess I'll start in the order they occurred.
Kurtis celebrated his 29th birthday on Oct. 27. The kids had a great time making him cards and putting together a snack attack pack to give him for his birthday. We also enjoyed a special breakfast of muffins and an omelet roll. Jason, Kurtis's twin brother, came down later in the day to enjoy a great day of harvesting. Unfortunately, the combine broke down around 5 o'clock which meant the we had the evening free. Keith took us all out for suppoer to celebrate their birthdays, even though I'm sure they would have much rather been combining.
On Sunday the 28th, the Pella Classis celebrated the CRC's 150th anniversary. As Jaren put it "That's even older than great-grandma and great-grandpa and the other great-grandma!" We had a wonderful joint church service which Gloria was very involved with planning. Afterwards we went to my parents house for pizza to celebrate Kurtis's birthday once again.
On Tuesday night, my mom, the kids and I took off for Ankeny to go trick-or-treating. We met up with Jennifer, Luke & Reagan at Jason & Kristin's house and walked through their neighborhood. The kids got more candy than they need in a year, but Kurtis and I are helping them along. :) My kids also went trick-or-treating at Central College the previous Thursday with my cousins - double the candy this year! I''ve attached some halloween pictures for you to enjoy. Jaren was a Ninja Turtle (Leonardo) and Bethany was a pretty princess.
Yesterday, the 4th, we went to my Uncle Gene and Aunt Helen's house for the annual DeKoning fall gathering. We try to have an early Thanksgiving before my Uncle Marv & Aunt Ruth take off for Arizona. It was a loud, fun gathering. We are so thankful that we have such wonderful families that can get-together and have a great time. There was more food and desserts than we needed, but welcome to the holidays!
Well, that's a quick summary of what's going on over here. I think we have a couple of calm weeks, and then the holidays will be upon us. This has got to be one of my favorite times of year. I've already been scoping out great gift ideas for people and can't wait for my chance to go shopping!