Wow, I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of September. The month has flown by and harvest is officially underway. Kurtis didn't get home until 1:15 am this morning...what a way to break me into the harvest season. :)
Let's see, what's been going on here this month? Bethany was the leader for preschool towards the beginning of September. As leader she gets to bring the snack (fruit snacks & string cheese) and a show-and-tell item. She asked Kurtis to bring in his semi for the kids to look at and climb through. She had it all figured out that only 4 kids could fit at one time and she made sure to let the teachers know this rule. :) Kurtis and Bethany have a very special father/daughter bond and the semi is a big part of that also. Bethany is very hesitant to let daddy go anywhere in the semi if she can not come along. It's a good thing she loves preschool otherwise she'd be very tempted to skip class.
Let's see, what's been going on here this month? Bethany was the leader for preschool towards the beginning of September. As leader she gets to bring the snack (fruit snacks & string cheese) and a show-and-tell item. She asked Kurtis to bring in his semi for the kids to look at and climb through. She had it all figured out that only 4 kids could fit at one time and she made sure to let the teachers know this rule. :) Kurtis and Bethany have a very special father/daughter bond and the semi is a big part of that also. Bethany is very hesitant to let daddy go anywhere in the semi if she can not come along. It's a good thing she loves preschool otherwise she'd be very tempted to skip class.

Bethany sitting in the leader chair.

Checking out the outside of the semi

Patiently waiting their turns to climb inside
We helped celebrate our nephew Joshua's 1st birthday. We celebrated while watching the IA vs IA State football game. Thankfully Dordt College has the same colors as IA so the kids could all wear the appropriate colors.

Cheering for the Hawks must be a lot of work! :)

Eating the delicious cake and loving every bite

Jaren got his first black eye after showing off on his scooter. We had just arrived at our friends' house and he went flying over the scooter's handlebars. Talk about making a grand entrance. He cut open his eyebrow and had quite a bump on it. The black eye showed up just in time for school pictures. :) I didn't get any pictures of it since he was pretty upset and in a lot of pain, but maybe the school ones will show it off nicely.
Here are a few other random pictures from this past month also. October will hopefully be a little slower for the kids and me, but unfortunately things really pick up for Kurtis now. This is when we give each other a kiss and say, "See you at Christmas." :)
We are looking forward to going camping tomorrow through Sunday since both kids are off school for the Heartland Conference. The weather for the most part sounds beautiful if we can just get past the rain forcasted for Thursday.

Bethany feeding baby Lindsay her bottle. Bethany is truly a little mommy and loves to take care of other kids and babies.
I found this awesome K'nex set at a garage sale for cheap so I bought it thinking Jaren and I could have some fun putting it together. I'll show you a completed picture in 2-3 years. :)