Yes, I know that it has been over a month since my last update. Instead of bore you with lots of words, I'll just let the pictures show you some of what we've been up to.
Bethany's class with to a Russell Wildlife and Kurtis was able to go along. Bethany had a great time until the live skunk came out to play - stinker removed. :)

Kurtis had the kids come along a couple Saturdays ago to help summarize his livestock trailer and to burn all the seed corn bags that accumulated in the barn.

Jaren got to drive the 4-wheeler by himself for the first time.
Jaren & Bethany had their spring program at school a couple weeks ago. This was Bethany's first program and she did an awesome job, along with Jaren who is the experienced pro. :)
Our lives have definitely not slowed down. Kurtis has been extremely busy between spraying, planting, and trucking that the time we do have with him is very valuable.
My pregnancy has been going very well for the most part. Of course I have the common pregnancy "troubles", but I am very blessed with how quickly it is going. We'll be finding out at the end of May whether we'll be adding a precious baby girl or boy to our family. We are all very anxious to know.
Hopefully I'll be able to update a little more frequently in the coming weeks since May seems to be filling up fast with class trips, baseball, and of course...Tulip Time. :)