OK...I had very good intentions of getting this blog updated with all the pictures from August, but I guess blogger had other ideas. I cannot get any pictures to load up except 4 right now so those will have to do until I have some time next week to finish. :(
Well, summer has ended and the kids just got done with their first week of school. The week went much better than expected, but today we have some attitude issues that go along with being tired. I'm sure that will get better over time. :) I thought I should quickly update my blog with some end of summer pictures and first day of school pictures.
August kept us busy with cousin Sara & Brian's wedding. The girls were asked to be bubble attendants and they had so much fun...and they looked adorable also. :)
The week after the wedding found us on a family vacation to the Ozarks with Kurtis' whole family to celebrate Keith & Gloria's 40th wedding anniversary. It was extremely hot there but thankfully we had two pools and the boat to use to cool us down. There was also the traditional mini golf game, go-karts and Dog Patch arcade.
Erica is going to really miss Bethany during the day Erica and Jaren...the two trouble makers.