We have been keeping very busy so far with summer vacation. The kids are wrapping up a fun week of VBS and had such a wonderful time. It was so nice for me to have some alone time with Kate as we ran errands and hung out at home. She loved the one-on-one attention.
Here are some end of the school year, Bethany in gymnastics, summer fun pictures.
Chapel groups competing in friendly games...this is Jaren's group doing tug-of-war.

Bethany balancing an egg on a spoon for her team

The human worm

Bethany's graduation cake...so hard to believe she is going to be in 1st grade already!

Mrs. DeBruin talking with Bethany about her flip-flop costume. Each child draws a letter and has to come up with a costume to go with that letter. Bethany obviously drew the letter 'F'.

Bethany absolutely loved gymnastics these past three months. We are taking the summer off, but she would love to start up again this fall.

"Cochroach" during warm-ups

Once again on the balance beam. She was quite nervous at the beginning of the season, but she impressed us with constantly trying everything her teacher asked of her.

Kate has been kind of a pickle when it comes to eating baby food...especially the veggies. She would much rather eat table food like the rest of us.

Jaren is liking the independence he is given to ride Kurtis' 4-wheeler around the yard and to the hog shed and back. It's plenty big for him so I'm not super comfortable with him going to far or very fast.

Such a great father-son bonding time. They were having fun washing the vehicles together.

Just to show that the girls helped for a few minutes also before the swing-set called their names.

Just a cute profile pic of Kate :)
Hope you enjoyed the new pictures Aunt Arlene! :)