Ok, so it really isn't the most wonderful time of the year. I definitely miss the kids when they are at school, but it was time to get back into a routine. I am very excited to see what God has in store for each of them this year. The two days that Erica goes to school is when I will notice them all gone the most. It will just be me, Kate and Aubrey, a sweet little girl that I watch. Those two keep me very busy between feeding them, playing, diaper changes & of course the jealousy issues that we are battling with both of them. :)
Kate absolutely loves climbing the stairs and exploring up there. Not such a safe thing though since we have not baby-proofed that area of the house yet.
Erica and her three wonderful teachers. She is so, so, so excited to go to school.
Bethany & her best buddy, Daddy.
Jaren, to cool to have his picture taken but decided it wasn't worth the battle with mom.
1st day of 1st grade!
3rd grade already!
1st day of preschool with her new backpack from town grandpa & grandma.