We had another great VM camp out over Labor Day weekend. It is so much fun to get together as a whole family. There is always tons of good food and of course many laughs, but most importantly are the memories we are all making. We're already on the countdown to next year's camp out and memories that will be made. Here are a few pictures of the fun.
This year was a Christmas theme so everyone brought items to put in stockings for the kids. They of course loved it!
Our geo-caching crew showing off their loot.

The kids also got to make a leather craft.

Saturday was a bit rainy as evident by Bethany's matted down hair style. :)

Obviously the boys didn't mind the rain...the game had to go on. A lot of baseball was played over the course of the weekend.

Saturday morning was the annual Kids Fun Run & for the adults the 2 mile fun run.
Go Kate Go!!!!

Here's the line-up of all the kids minus 2. I think Kate is jumping the gun a bit. :)

Noteboom's outdoor sink for teeth brushing.

The boys spent a lot of time flying these little airplanes. It will be a sad day when Grandpa runs out of them.

Glow sticks are always a night time hit.