Well, I was hoping to have some adorable pictures of the kids in the Easter outfits and fun pictures of them during our annual Easter egg hunt. Unfortunately, those pictures will have to be postponed. Bethany and Erica both were home sick today. Erica started not feeling well Thursday night and has been coughing, sneezing and running a fever ever since. Last night Bethany joined in the "fun". Bethany woke up this morning at 8:00, asked me if she could go to church, and then went and laid in the middle of the living room floor where she remained the rest of the day. Jaren and I got to go to church and to a family lunch at noon, while Kurtis was kind enough to stay home with his girls. I stayed home with Erica Friday night while Kurtis took the other two kids to church and out for a special surprise. Uncle Mark was coming through the area after a serve project and stopped to have ice cream with his favorite nephew and one of his favorite nieces. :) The kids were still smiling ear to ear when they came home late that night!
Jaren & I had a great time at lunch with wonderful food. Kurtis's aunt Marilyn was kind enough to send a meal home for Kurtis which he enjoyed very much, especially after his hotdog lunch. :)

Bethany comforting Erica while I tried to make supper on Saturday night.
Bethany's spot for the day. She refused to move to the couch so instead we just stepped over her. She was yelling at Jaren (who took this picture) to leave her alone because she didn't feel good. I felt really bad for her. As you can see we tried to entice her to eat by giving her the little favors of M&M's & peanuts that Jaren brought her from our family lunch.
Our two sick princesses!
Look how sad and pathetic she looks! Poor thing.
Jaren is still his silly self. He had a hard time being quiet and finding quiet activities to do so he wouldn't disturb his sisters. Daddy and him "played" the dinosaur game. I put played in quotes because the game didn't even get close to being done due to daddy watching the basketball games instead wanting to play this overly exciting game.