Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Here she comes...Little Miss E

Here is a quick little video that shows Erica doing her latest...walking. She still tends to fall quite a bit, but is really getting the hang of it and is very proud of it. As you can tell, she is also trying to cut teeth. At this point she has none, but the two bottom ones are looking like they might come any day now. She's the slowest of all 3 kids in getting teeth - 13 months! They say the later the teeth come in, the better they are. Let's hope that holds true for all of them.

I've also included a couple other pictures.

Pudding Time - the kids enjoy a bowl of pudding with daddy - Banana Cream

Super Erica - I couldn't resist taking her picture. She looks like she's wearing a cape, ready to head out to save the world.

Sweet little girl!

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