This past weekend, I was able to celebrate my birthday. The kids will be more than happy to tell you my age, but you can try to figure it out for yourselves. :) We had a ton of fun this weekend and most importantly we got to spend it together as a family.
We started the weekend off by going to an indoor waterpark at a hotel. This was wonderful since the kids had so much built up energy due to not being able to go outside without freezing in a matter of seconds. Erica was terrified at first, but quickly warmed up to the water and loved jumping in. Bethany was much more reserved in the water, but loved sitting on the geysers. Jaren is our fish. He loved the circle pool which pushes you around in a circle. Saturday morning they opened the big water slides and Jaren loved it. He could have gone down them several more times, but eventually it was time to go. We (okay it was only me) did a little bargain shopping before heading home that evening.
Sunday was spent going to church and then heading to my parent's for a delicious lunch, sledding, and Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake...YUM! This was Erica's first time sledding and she loved it. Her little giggles the whole way down the hill made me laugh. Jaren did go sledding, but for some reason we don't have any pictures of him.
Thanks for the extremely enjoyable weekend!
Bethany showing off her bonus tickets
Jaren playing his favorite game.

A picture of the waterslides
Jaren coming out of the green slide
Bethany styling her hair
Sitting on the geyser
One, Two, Three...JUMP! Erica looked like a little frog when she was getting ready to jump.

Jaren right after the bucket dumped on him...I was a little slow on taking the pictures. :)
After all that playing, it was time to bum with popcorn & rootbeer.
Erica & Grandpa going down the little hill.
Daddy & Bethany have to love the giant smile and just imagine her little giggle going along with it.
Mommy & Erica
Erica & Bethany