It seems that I only blog about the fun things that we do around here. Rest assured, some work does get done, but usually only half hearted. :) Spring is in full swing around here with the planting, spraying & field cultivating. Hopefully the corn will all be planted before the major rains starts to fall tomorrow. Kurtis already told me not to get my hopes up though of him being home because of the rain...he has 4 loads of livestock to haul next week. This is why we cherish our summer vacations together as a family. It's a time for us to all reunite before fall arrives. :)
Jaren is in his final weeks of Kindergarten. Today is actually grandparents day and tonight is his spring concert. Pictures will be coming soon. On Wednesday he had Wild West day. He had so much fun dressing up as a cowboy.
Watch out girls, there's a handsome young cowboy coming your way. :)

This little guy is another sign that spring is definitely here. Each spring we get to have a groundhog living under our front porch. Who knows how big his family is or what other animals have made their home there. Maybe we should start renting out the space under the porch.

This little guy is another sign that spring is definitely here. Each spring we get to have a groundhog living under our front porch. Who knows how big his family is or what other animals have made their home there. Maybe we should start renting out the space under the porch.
Last week we got together with our cousins Carter, Alexis & Lisa for a fun time at the park and then lunch at McDonalds. The kids always have a great time and Lisa and I like the socializing part. :) This is definitely going to be a reoccurring event this spring/summer.

Jaren walking across the wobbly balance beam.

Bethany loves the slides, but even more so she likes to make new friends. We were there less than 5 minutes and she had already made at least one friend. She's our social butterfly.

Jaren & Carter taking a quick picture break before running off.

Erica loves the slides more than anything. This was her favorite...probably because it was the biggest.

Jaren walking across the wobbly balance beam.

Bethany loves the slides, but even more so she likes to make new friends. We were there less than 5 minutes and she had already made at least one friend. She's our social butterfly.

Jaren & Carter taking a quick picture break before running off.

Erica loves the slides more than anything. This was her favorite...probably because it was the biggest.
Hope you all have a great weekend.