Sorry for the long amount of time between posts, but as the title states we have just been way to busy for blogging. Jaren has finished t-ball for the season and now he and Bethany have moved on to swimming lessons two mornings a week. On top of that we had a couple of birthday parties for 3 of our favorite one-year olds and a fun camping weekend along with all the mundane things that need to be done around the house. This coming week will be filled with final preparations for the Cadet Counselor's Convention where we are going as chaperons. It will be lots of fun I'm sure and I'll make sure to share pictures after the event. Now I'm going to leave you with a bunch of pictures for our past couple of weeks.

It was really hot this weekend camping so Kurtis filled this container up for the kids to splash in. I also bought water guns for them but unfortunately they didn't work at all. :(

Bethany loves giving horsey rides. She can handle Erica, but found out later that week that Jaren was a bit much for her. :)

The 5 cousins...Erica, Bethany, Joshua, Maddy & Jaren

Enjoying the pool & hose at Luke & Reagan's house

Drew & Lauren were not impressed with our singing. They were by far more impressed with all the fun things on the table.

Birthday girl Lauren

The ornery birthday boy...also known as Drew

Jaren & Erica had a good time in the pool the other day while Bethany was napping. Jaren was actually getting Erica back since she started the water fight.