I know it's been awhile since I last updated. You'd think with it being summer vacation I'd have more time to blog, but the days are flying by and blogging is not one of my top priorities. :) I'll just let the pictures do most of the talking tonight as I have a lot of things that should get done before we head off to MI this weekend for a wedding. Look for pictures next week of a beautiful bride and the most adorable flower girl you've ever seen. :) Besides today is Kurtis & my 9 year anniversary so I'd rather be spending my evening with him once he gets home.
Taking a break from biking and getting ready to go into the woods to geo-cache. Thankfully we were successful this time since 4 out of the 5 attempts were failed. I guess Jaren & I have some challenges ahead of us this summer.

Bethany & Erica were having fun taking pictures while we were biking. I made sure to delete the half dozen or so that they took of my rear-end. :) I thought this picture was kind of unique and worth sharing.

This is a picture just to make any boaters out there jealous of the 100% perfect skiing conditions that we saw.

The kids love to throw rocks into the lake when we go camping. Thankfully no one has gotten hit in the head yet by flying rocks.

Erica was very persistent in trying to pick up rocks that weighed more than her or that were mostly buried under sand.

This is just a picture to remind me that Jaren & Bethany can be very sweet to each other even though they do their fair share of fighting. Notice he's even reading her a Barbie book. :)

The 2nd to last day of school the kids competed in fun field events with their chapel groups. Here's Jaren's group waiting for the games to begin.

The worm race

The worm race
Tug-of-War...Go Navy Blue!!!
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