Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1st Day of Preschool

Today was Bethany's first day of preschool and she LOVED it! It was a shortened day where they split the class in half and asked that a parent(s) come along to help ease the transition and see first hand what happens on a typical day of preschool. I loved that I was able to go along. It was so much fun to watch how Bethany interacted with the other kids. She makes friends very easily and will play with any girl...boys are not so much her thing right now. :) Bethany is very ready for Thursday to roll around so she can go back to school for a full day, lunch and all.
All ready to go to school. Proudly showing off her princess monkey shirt she picked out herself.

Heading into school for the first time as a student.

She found her name tag and book bag hook like a pro.

First activity she picked - coloring - this way she could observe what others were doing for the first few minutes.

Bethany made a couple new friends already, Anna & Hannah. Pretty easy to remember. :)

Mrs. C reading the group a story. On Thursday the whole class will be together for the first time.

Bethany with her wonderful teachers & aide.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

1st Day of School

Well, Jaren had his 1st day of school this past Wednesday. He is now in 1st grade and I'm very excited to see all he learns and how he grows in every way. He has a terrific teacher who has just as much energy as all the 1st graders...23 of them. Erica was really confused as to why we were leaving Jaren behind and kept saying, "Don't leave my brother." She's going to be just as upset this week when we start dropping Bethany off at preschool.
Tomorrow starts the first full week so we're going to really have to push the bedtime schedule otherwise there will be a very crabby little boy by mid-week. :)

Looking less than thrilled to have his picture taken. We even had to go back in the evening to take pictures when no one else was around. :) Before you know it he's going to be demanding me to drop him off a block away!

Our big goof ball

The girls looking slightly thrilled to have Jaren at school. Not really they were just being goofy.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Random things

We've been keeping very busy over here, but having a fun time also. Last week we were privileged to go take care of Maddy for a couple of days while Karen coached volleyball. The poor girl (Maddy) was so confused Wednesday morning waking up to 3 kids playing with her toys and throwing her off routine. She was much happier when Karen came home and then the next day when she was use to us. :) We took the kids swimming in Nevada and had a great time.
Jaren, Madelyn, Bethany & Erica getting ready to go swimming
Jaren loved going down the water slides

Taking a little snack break

YEAH!!! I'm out of the water!!!

Jaren fast became Maddy's best friend...even to the point of her pulling him off the couch to play and crying when he went downstairs to change his clothes. :)

Bethany drinking the water...um Yum???

What's up with these two and their tongues hanging out?!? :)

Jaren decided to plant some corn in the sandbox this year. He found an old ear of corn in the cornfield and picked the kernels off to plant. It's been pretty fun watching it grow. We didn't think that any ears would grow, but most of them have tassels and ears of corn on them.

Bethany likes to have her picture taken by the corn but is really frustrated with Jaren for taking up the whole sandbox. She has threatened to pull it all out many times. Thankfully they have a reserve pile of sand elsewhere on the yard. :)

Bethany has been begging Kurtis to put together her playhouse for quite a few months. The playhouse got blown away during one of the many storms from last fall. Well, he had time the other night and I think the smiles on the girls' faces says it all. Thank you daddy!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Spunky Monkey

For those of you who know Erica, you know that she is full of spunk, hence her nickname Spunky Monkey. We're never quite sure what she's going to say or do next so we always have to be on our toes. Keeping up with Jaren & Bethany makes it all the more interesting. Last week Jaren & Bethany had Bible School in the evening so I took advantage of just having Erica around and brought her to the park. For an hour straight she was running, climbing, swinging & sliding and eating up the fact that she had all my attention. Here are some fun pictures I took of her that night.

Her favorite way to swing...run, jump, swing.

The only time she allowed me to help her...walking the balance beam

Hurry up and take the picture! I'm going to fall!!!

Showing me her muscles. :)

She loves slides. The faster & taller the better.