This past weekend was filled to the brim with fun family times. On Friday we met up with Kurtis' family at Honey Creek Resort down by Lake Rathbun as a gift from Kurtis' parents. THANK YOU!!! This is a new hotel with a fun indoor water park that was just perfect for our kids. Everyone had a great time except for maybe Madelyn...give her a year and she'll have no fear. :) We had a great supper at the restaurant and then ate breakfast there also. It was so nice not having to think about making any food, just like a real vacation should be.
On Saturday evening, we met up with some of my extended family to celebrate my Grandpa's birthday. We went bowling and then to my parent's house for some cake & ice cream. Erica was thrilled that she even got to bowl a few frames. Jaren will be sure to let you know that he got a 95 which put him in the winner's spot for the 2nd game on our lane.
Tomorrow is going to be hard on us. Having no schedule for the whole week of spring break was great. I know it's time to get back to reality, but it's been a fun week. It makes me a little anxious for summer!
Some of the girls enjoying the nachos that Aunt Sharon won for bowling a strike.

Erica showing great excitement being able to bowl like the others

Mommy & Erica waiting our's a hard thing when you're 2! :)

Bethany taking her turn. She loves being able to use the ramp with Grandpa's help.

Jaren's bowling & slide

Never a dull moment when Aunt Arlene is around!

Jaren doing his pirate pose...notice the one eye closed ;)
Practicing his balancing skills

I tricked Bethany into going down this slide. She loved it and went down most of the time.

Erica is our no fear child. The bigger the slide the better. She tried to go down the "big" slide, but I informed her she'd be 20 before she was tall enough for it. :)

This big slide was one of Jaren's favorite things to do over and over.

The look of delight!

Bethany making a new friend...this comes very easy for her and is so cute to watch her act like a little grown-up.
Jaren doesn't believe in a lazy has been renamed the racing river! It was great exercise trying to keep up with him.
Enjoying our wonderful breakfast buffet.
Grandpa & the girls hanging out in the lobby. We were trying to see if Grandpa's arms were still able to hold 2 kids at the same time just like when daddy and Uncle Jason were little.
The girls were hanging out on our "private" patio waiting for everyone else to wake up.