Well, I decided to get on board and start my own blog spot to keep everyone up to date on what's going on in our lives. I'll try to keep it updated including adorable pictures of the kids since they change so quickly.
Jaren is now a busy preschooler. He attends SONshine Preschool in Oskaloose 2 morning a week. He also just got done with another session of swimming lessons. He is a pro at diving which is a talent he must have inherited from Kurtis because I couldn't dive if my life depended on it. :) He is also enjoying going to Kidshine on Thursday mornings while I go to Momshine (similar to MOPs). He's getting a little to smart for his own good. The other day we were trying to get him to eat his food and Uncle Jason (Kristin's) said, "How do you think I got so big and strong?", to which Jaren replied "You had birthdays!". I guess that won't be enough incentive anymore to get him to eat. Jaren was also priveldged to be in Kristin (my cousin) & Luke's wedding a couple weeks ago. He looked extremely handsome and was even told by the bride that he was the star of the show. This of course went straight to his head and he felt pretty cool.
Bethany is our energetic 2-1/2 year old. She is full of spunk and loves her daddy more than anyone else. She has enjoyed being able to ride along in the combine with Kurtis. She wanted to ride along with Jason (Karen's) in his combine but I told her it wasn't big enough. She said that she would go home and get her wrench to fix uncle Jason's combine to make it just like daddy's. (Jason, I thought you might feel good about that.) She is in the incredibly fun/naughty stage.
Erica is learning new things all the time. Now that she has been crawling for a few weeks, she is experimenting with standing by anything she can pull herself up by. She surprised herself last night and pulled herself up by the couch and then got this great big "I knew I could do it" grin on her face. She has also started learning how to climb the stairs. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to keep up with her. You can tell she has older siblings who adore her and whom she learns much from. Babyfood is no longer (and hasn't been for a month now). She is very independent and loves to feed herself anything you give her plus anything she finds on the floor.
Kurtis has been very busy in the fields and moving a few trees. He enjoys taking the kids with him, as long as it's one at a time. There's to much negotiating when Jaren & Bethany both ride.
Hope you enjoy the pictues.